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Request body

You can use the map function to retrieve body data using req.body['keyword']. You can use the req.body to retrieve data from both JSON body and request parameters, like ?foo=bar, by utilizing the map function.

class ApiController {
    sayHello(DoxRequest req) {
        String name = req.body['name']
        return 'Hello $name';

Route Param

Route parameters can be optional and can also be obtained from req.param.


class ApiController {
    sayHello(DoxRequest req, String name) {
        return 'Hello $name';

Form data (File)

To access the uploaded image file from the request, the code utilizes the req.input('image') method. This assumes that the incoming request is structured as a 'multipart/form-data' form with a file input field named image.

class ApiController {
    uploadImage(DoxRequest req, String name) {
            'image': 'required|image:png,jpg',

        RequestFile image = req.input('image');
        String uploadedPath = await;

        return {"filename" : uploadedPath};

Custom Form Request

Step 1. Create a request

dox create:request Blog

Step 2. Register in app

Register a request in lib/config/app.dart

formRequests: <Type, FormRequest Function()>{
    BlogRequest:() => BlogRequest(),


If we don't utilize dart:mirrors, there isn't a straightforward method to instantiate a class from a string in Dart. Instead, we must register your request class in the app.dart file. As a result, Dox will seamlessly route the request to the corresponding controller.

Step 3. Usage

import 'package:dox_core/dox_core.dart';

class BlogRequest extends FormRequest {
    String? title;
    String? description;

    void setUp() {
        title = input('title');
        description = input('desc');

    Map<String, String> rules() {
        return {
            'title': 'required',

    Map<String, String> messages() {
        return {
            'required': "The {field} is required"
class BlogController {
    store(BlogRequest req) async {
        Blog blog = Blog();

        blog.title = req.title;
        blog.description = req.description;

        return blog;


Within this function, you have the opportunity to assign values to variables based on the incoming request, which can then be reused within the controller.


This function serves as the location for defining validation rules for input requests.


In this function, you have the ability to configure custom validation messages for input form request validation. Check here for more about validation.