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A "belongs-to" relationship is a fundamental concept in database modeling. Consider a scenario where we have a Comment model associated with a User model. In this case, we define a method called user within the Comment model. This user method invokes the BelongsTo method and returns its output. This relationship signifies that a comment belongs to a particular user.

In practical terms, this means that each comment in our database is linked to a single user. When we want to retrieve the user associated with a specific comment, we can use the user method, making it easy to access user information for that comment. This BelongsTo relationship helps establish connections between records in a meaningful way, enhancing the organization and retrieval of data in our database system.

class BelongsTo {
    final Type model;
    final String? foreignKey;
    final String? localKey;
    final Function? onQuery;
    final bool? eager;

    const BelongsTo(this.model,
        {this.foreignKey, this.localKey, this.onQuery, this.eager});
class User extends UserGenerator {
    String? name;

    String? status;
class Comment extends CommentGenerator {
    String? userId;

    String? content;

    User? user;



List<Comment> comments = await Comment().all();

for (Comment comment in comments) {
    await comment.$getRelation('user')
    User user = comment.user;


When eager is true the $getRelation do not need to call.


List<Comment> comments = await Comment().preload('user').all();
for (Comment comment in comments) {
    User user = comment.user;


When eager is true the preload do not need to call.

List<Comment> comments = await Comment().all();

for (Comment comment in comments) {
    User user = await comment.related<User>('user')?.where('foo', 'bar').getFirst();



User? user;


@BelongsTo(User, foreignKey: 'user_id')
User? user;


@BelongsTo(User, foreignKey: 'user_id', localKey: 'id')
User? user;


class Comment extends CommentGenerator {
    String? userId;

    String? content;

    @BelongsTo(User, onQuery: onQueryActiveUser)
    User? activeUser;

    static QueryBuilder<User> onQueryActiveUser(User q) {
        return q.where('status', 'active');


onQuery method must be a static method inside the model.


@BelongsTo(User, eager: true)
User? user;