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  • Extract websocket as separate package dox-websocket
  • Type improvement on usage of auth package
  • Bug fix on multithread with services


  • Support storage class for file storage
  • Add more unit/integration test coverage
  • Fix bug for websocket running on multiple isolates
  • Update cache config setting on app config


  • Added support for multi-thread http server which is 10x faster on concurrency request
  • Added support for services (i.e database, redis) to run on each isolate/multi-thread
  • Added cache class that run file driver as default
  • Added support for custom cache drivers, i.e redis, memcached
  • Added JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() that support DateTime to encode
  • Added support for DateTime object on http response/return data
  • Added support of size and bytes information on uploaded RequestFile
  • Bug fixed on multipart form data file store
  • Removed database config option in app config.
  • Moved ioc container from Global.ioc to Dox().ioc
  • Improvement on routes
  • Rename Handler interface to ResponseHandlerInterface


  • Remove third party dot env package and replace with own Env class


  • Modify request auth getter to function to support type injection


  • Added interfaces/classes for authentication
  • Bug fixed on router prefix
  • Bug fixed on cookie return type String?


  • Ignore error on missing method of resource route
  • Added single quote rule in linter


  • Bug fixed method not found on resource route


  • Added missing types on functions and arguments
  • Added linter rules


  • First stable release


  • Support domain routing
  • Improvement group routing
  • Support middleware routing
  • Added app level middleware support
  • Added function's self documentation
  • Websocket improvement and support multiple path
  • Support serializer


  • Added support for validation
  • Added support for form data for file uploading
  • Improve error handling


  • Refactor the code
  • Added test cases
  • Added support for global middleware
  • Added support to throw error exception in response and add support to handle via response handler
  • Rename BaseHttpException to HttpException
  • Bug fixed on cookie response


  • Separate Query builder from core


  • Replace with dox query builder
  • Added feature to auto encode List response
  • Added resource routes
  • Added req.input() in DoxRequest
  • Added support CORS
  • Added More Response options on DoxResponse
  • Added Hash.make('password') for password encryption
  • Added Support websocket